Packaging is a storytelling & not just one, but thousands and millions of stories. The story of product, its manufacturer, supplier, seller, consumer and the brand itself.
Well technically from our point of view, a consumer or customer does not get in touch with your product at a glance. They get in touch with your “packaging”!!
Yes Packaging! An estimated $200 Billion Dollar Industry spread across the world consisting all sort of printing and packaging works such as Digital Print and Packaging, Gravure or Roto-gravure, Offset, Screen, etc. Packaging is your first impression / interaction as a brand with your customers, be it potential or existing. And when we talk about first impression it should be your last one too!! Customers should either say “Oh, Wow!!” or “Oh, Wow!!” The second one was sarcasm if your existing packaging is a shit. When we say about kick ass packaging and their ideas you can have a quick look on our designs at Vecpix Designs before we take you to a world full of packaging ideas.
All of them have interesting packaging right? Well the question is not really that, but why it’s important to have a good packaging in today’s market and why attractive designs are needed for packaging.
So let’s begin with the importance of packaging in today’s market;
Safeguarding the product
Foremost and primary use of any packaging is to protect and safeguard your product. Be it soap, grains, chips, etc. Considering the product’s nature, category and usage the products packaging materials, process are suggested by the packager. Also taking into account today’s environment where natural and industrial pollutions play a prominent role in sustainability of the product and its quality. It becomes very much necessary to have a good quality of product packaging material for your company’s product.
Luring Customers
In this 21st century, where most of the people have access to internet and social media, brands are running neck to neck to shower their marketing tactics, skills and content to attract and lure customers to use and consume their products. But at the baseline what they are offering and how they are offering becomes the most crucial aspect for the success of any brand. If the product has a unique identity in terms of its designing, material used in packaging and appeals the audience to buy the product at first glance then sales can hit Himalayas.
Distinct identity
Did you anytime cross across two similar looking products? You might have or have not!! Both are strategically packaged. Well there’s distinct identity which any brand targets to stand in the market and create its own image in the minds of the product’s buyers and consumers. Let’s take an example here of antiseptic soaps. Google the soaps of Dettol, Savlon and Lifebuoy. These brands are competing in the same market category. All the three brands have certain uniqueness among themselves as well as some similarity in terms of product package design execution. While Dettol has its soap packaged in Green, Savlon’s soap is getting packaged in Blue and Lifebuoy comes in Red plastic mixed paper. But if you notice there’s a similarity among all three of them when it comes to their package designing and that is the symbol or icon of Plus (+). To know why there’s this distinctiveness, similarity among all the giants and what can be the best idea to package your product, get in touch with our representatives.
Information Display
All the brands needs to put up certain statutory information on the product packaging. Information such as manufacturing, packaging date, place, quantity, rates, usage guidance, ingredients, chemical usages, licensing and bar code, etc. Considering the industrial norms set by the government authorities / bodies and market players. There are certain crucial strategic information which is nowadays included on the packaging such as benefits and process of the product manufacturing to aware the customer / user of the product more about the product / brand. This type of information display allows the brand to stand out the herd.
Cost efficiency
At foundational level, Product packaging is a type of marketing or branding. Many brands believe on spending more on other marketing tools and techniques against spending on the product packaging. But efficient and qualitative packaging helps brand to compete the market effectively and reduce its marketing and branding cost / investment to almost halve. So what happens is simple, When the customer gets attracted with the product packaging, company’s burden or efforts of marketing its products in different verticals and regions reduces, which eventually helps them to diversify their funds on other aspects or departments of the organizational growth. You want to know what can be most cost effective packaging for your brand or product.
Penetrating Market
Market is an ocean and products are its living and breathing fishes / organisms, only the strongest and toughest product can swim through the ocean. Now this is not only the strength of the product and its packaging but it’s also a weakness of the existing players in the market, which helps a brand to penetrate the market in quick swipe. It was back in 2012 when Hector beverages entered the premium beverage market with one of its product, but did not had any major luck. Soon they halted, realized and jumped back in the same market segment with a similar but new product category and a greater and newer look – “Paperboat”. Paperboat soon penetrated the premium beverage segment with its unique tetra pack packaging.
Higher Chances of Sustainability
While most of the brands focus on creating the brand after the product sale occurs, many brands aim at giving a brand touch while making the sale. How? By giving a simple personalized thanks note, stick along the product packaging. This not only attracts the customers but it also helps them in sustaining the customer by creating an emotional quotient. Ultimately a higher stake of sustainability with the product consumer gets created.
Well there’s lot more to explore in product packaging when you dig deeper. But you know “Why attractive designs are needed for packaging”Read the whole blog and get yourself acknowledged. Keep following page to see our work and blogs.